Exalted Bladeform Legacy(Arcana Juggernaut) Mixset

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO Faisal super shop - SELAMA LAPAK INI AKTIF BERARTI "READY STOCK" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exalted Bladeform Legacy (Arcana Juggernaut) open style 2 + mixed set include : 1. Arsenal of the Bladekeeper 2. Taunt: For Death and Honor 3. Inscribed Sword of the Bladeform Aesthete with Kinetic Gem (Bladekeeper's Omnislash, Bladekeeper's Blade Dance, Bladekeeper's Bladefury) and Inscribed Gem (Omnislash Jumps: 2569, Blade Dance Crits: 3247) 4. Golden Fortune's Tout 5. Inscribed Battle Banner of the Masked with Inscribed Gem (Roshan Kills: 38, Kills: 610, Blade Fury Damage: 2091966) 6. Pantaloons of the Bladekeeper 7. Wraps of a Thousand Faces 8. Exalted Bladeform Legacy Style 2 Unlock 9. Exalted Call of the Bladeform Legacy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masih Cari item lain? Silahkan Kunjungi lapak Faisal super shop https://itemku.com/toko/faisal-super-shop/11049 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATATAN PENTING: *Pastikan "ID STEAM" agan sudah bisa Trade *Pastikan Mobile Steam Guard harus aktif minimal 15 hari *Set Inventory Steam Ke "PUBLIC" *Sertakan Link Steam Offer *Apabila ada yang mau ditanyakan silahkan tanyakan lewat "FITUR PESAN" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akun agan gak bisa trade? Ini beberapa cara nya: *Download Steam mobile di android market lalu aktifkan STEAM GUARD (HARUS) *Verivikasi email steam agan di steam setting (HARUS) Setelah semua proses ini.. id agan baru bisa trade 15 hari kemudian ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cara Manual COPAS STEAM TRADE URL Inventory > trade offer > who can send me trade offer > scroll ke bawah, copas trade url Cara Manual SETTING PUBLIC INVENTORY Inventory > more > Inventory Privacy Setting > Inventory diset public > Save ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cek inventory https://steamcommunity.com/id/sagadeva/inventory/#570