Download itemku App
2800 V-Bucks
Rp523.000/ V-Bucks Card
Minimal Beli
Transaksi Sukses
4 (100%)
Rata-Rata Kirim
< 1 menit

How to Trade the Fortnite V-Bucks Card

  1. Make a purchase on itemku and receive a voucher code from the seller
  2. Login with your Fortnite account on the website then press Get Started
  3. Enter the code you received from the seller then press Next
  4. Select Device where you are playing Fortnite then press Next
  5. Check the details the information listed on the next page, make sure it is correct then press Confirm
  6. Accept The code given on the next page then redeem the code according to the instructions given
  7. Log into the game Fortnite and check your V-Bucks
  8. If it is correct, click the Done button on itemku to complete your order  

Deskripsi Produk

Rincian: - Garansi LEGAL dan ORIGINAL 100% - Pengiriman INSTANT setelah selesai bayar - Langsung cek pesanan kamu selesai bayar Catatan: Jam kerja 08.00 - 21.00 WIB Produk kami lainnya cek link di bawah ini

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23 Juni 2024

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