2800 V-Bucks
Rp523.000/ V-Bucks Card
Minimal Beli
Transaksi Sukses
4 (100%)
Rata-Rata Kirim
< 1 menit
How to Trade the Fortnite V-Bucks Card
- Make a purchase on itemku and receive a voucher code from the seller
- Login with your Fortnite account on the website https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/vbuckscard then press Get Started
- Enter the code you received from the seller then press Next
- Select Device where you are playing Fortnite then press Next
- Check the details the information listed on the next page, make sure it is correct then press Confirm
- Accept The code given on the next page then redeem the code according to the instructions given
- Log into the game Fortnite and check your V-Bucks
- If it is correct, click the Done button on itemku to complete your order
Deskripsi Produk
Rincian: - Garansi LEGAL dan ORIGINAL 100% - Pengiriman INSTANT setelah selesai bayar - Langsung cek pesanan kamu selesai bayar Catatan: Jam kerja 08.00 - 21.00 WIB Produk kami lainnya cek link di bawah ini itemku.com/toko/center-cegel-seal/662658
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