Minecraft - Windows 10 Edition

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https://itemku.com/tanya-jawab/artikel/cara-trading-game/115004529848   System Requirements OS: Windows 10 x64, x86 Features Skins, texture, and mash-up packs! We have biome settlers, city folk, town folk, and more!ADD-ONS! Learn more at minecraft.net/addons, where you can try some examples for free or learn to create your own.Realms! Play with up to 10 friends cross-platform in worlds that exist anytime, anywhere.The Nether and all its inhabitants. Fight Ghasts and make friends with PigmenCross platform play for up to five players between Pocket Edition and Windows 10Redstone! Pistons, comparators, repeaters, dispensers, droppers, and more!Spooky witches and their huts, complete with cauldrons filled with random potions and the ability to dye armorOcelots! And bunnies!Slash commands to let you tweak how the game plays - you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and more.Redeem kode dapat dilakukan di microsoft store windows 10