100 RBX before Tax
Terakhir online 1 Jam lalu
Min Qty
Waktu Kirim
/ RBX 5 Hari
Setelah membeli , anda bakal mendapatkan robux 5-7 hari (after you ordered you will got robux on 5 days )
Before tax / Sebelum pajak = artinya pajak akan di tanggung pembeli sebesar 30%
contoh jika membeli 100 robux , makan robux yg akan di terima adalah 70
-Check Pending Robux Go to https://www.roblox.com/transactions
Copy link , paste di browser kalian (Jika ada jumlah pending robux , anda tinggal nunggu saja 5-7 hari)
Catatan / Noted : Pembelian dalam skala besar melalui gamepass / link , beresiko banned pada akun , jadi jika anda membeli , harap paham resiko nya , karena ini juga sudah di larang oleh peraturan roblox
Note / Noted: Purchasing on a large scale via gamepass / link, there is a risk of the account being banned, so if you buy, please understand the risks, because this is also prohibited by Roblox regulations
100 Robux > Set to 100
500 Robux > Set to 500
1000 Robux > Set to 1000
1500 Robux > Set to 1500
2000 Robux > Set to 2000
3000 Robux > Set to 3000
4000 Robux > Set to 4000
5000 Robux > Set to 5000
6000 Robux > Set to 6000
7000 Robux > Set to 7000
8000 Robux > Set to 8000
9000 Robux > Set to 9000
10.000 Robux > Set to 10000