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product-5000 RBX

5000 RBX



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2j 41m


/ RBX 5 Hari

DESKRIPSI (DESCRIPTION) Silahkan chat mimin, apabila ingin bertanya :p Jangan lupa untuk melihat Diskusi Pesanan, karena mimin selalu menghubungi kamu :p Sebelum membeli, pastikan anda telah : 1.Membuat gamepass, lengkapnya ada pada panduan itemku di bawah. 2.Mengatur harga gamepassnya sesuai dengan keterangan di bawah. Tolong atur harga gamepass anda seperti di bawah ini, agar anda mendapatkan robux dengan nilai yang sama seperti yang dibeli. Untuk pembelian: 100 Robux atur harganya ke 143 agar robuxnya nanti cair 100 robux. 200 Robux atur harganya ke 286 300 Robux atur harganya ke 429 400 Robux atur harganya ke 572 500 Robux atur harganya ke 715 1000 Robux atur harganya ke 1430 2000 Robux atur harganya ke 2860 3000 Robux atur harganya ke 4290 4000 Robux atur harganya ke 5720 5000 Robux atur harganya ke 7150. Robux akan diterima dalam waktu 5-7 Hari. Membeli robux dengan jumlah besar beresiko akun anda terkena Ban. Membeli = Menyetujui/telah memahami deskripsi. English: DESCRIPTION Please chat me, if you want to ask :p Don't forget to check out the Order Discussion, because i always contacts you :p Before buying, make sure you have: 1. Create a gamepass, the full details are in my item guide below. 2. Set the price of the gamepass according to the information below. Please set the price of your gamepass as below, so that you can get robux for the same value as purchased. For purchases: 100 Robux set the price to 143 so that the robux will later be disbursed 100 robux. 200 Robux set the price to 286 300 Robux set the price to 429 400 Robux set the price to 572 500 Robux set the price to 715 1000 Robux set the price to 1430 2000 Robux set its price to 2860 3000 Robux set the price to 4290 4000 Robux set the price to 5720 5000 Robux set the price to 7150. Robux will be received within 5-7 Days. Buying robux in large quantities risks your account getting banned. Purchased = Agreed/understood the description.

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