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product-6000 UC

Indonesia • 6000 UC



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IMPORTANT NOTE: The UC that comes in will definitely be less than 30 UC initially, because the remaining 30 UC is experiencing an error. So, we will process the remaining 30 UC manually. If you place an order while we are offline (after 12 midnight), please understand that the 30 UC will be sent the next morning/afternoon. Thank you! UC will be sent to the account according to the order ✅ ▸ SPECIAL ID FOR INDONESIA REGION ⚡️ ▸ DOES NOT COUNT AS FULL UC IN CASHBACK / PURCHASE GIFT EVENTS ❌ ▸ IF YOU WANT IT TO BE COUNTED COMPLETELY, PLEASE BUY FROM THE "EVENT TOPUP CATEGORY" 🛒 UC PROCESSING METHOD: Midasbuy (Official PUBG Mobile top-up site) using Unipin Does not use GAMEPOINT (Because it can cause top-up bans by the Midasbuy server for 2 weeks to permanently) 🚨 AVOID PURCHASES USING GAMEPOINT (CHEAP PRICE, BUT THE PROCESS CAN CAUSE YOUR ID TO BE BANNED FROM TOP-UP) 🚨 IF YOUR ID ACCOUNT GETS BANNED FROM TOP-UP WHEN BUYING FROM OUR STORE, THE UC WILL BE ADJUSTED (BECAUSE WE WILL FILL IT WITH UC THAT WORKS FOR ALL IDS EVEN IF BANNED FROM TOP-UP)

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