100 RBX
Julian Digital Store
Last online 6 Hours ago
Min Qty
Waktu Kirim
/ RBX Game Card
Product: 100 Robux
Type: Redeem Code
Region: Global
If the code has a problem, you must record it from the start, this is automatic delivery, from before you buy it you have to record it until you buy it and then redeem it to your Roblox account. If there is no video recording evidence from the start = the proof is invalid
After paying, the code is at https://itemku.com/riwayat-belian?tab=2®ion=id-id&orderHistoryType=1
How to Redeem:
1. Go to roblox.com/redeem page
2. Log in to your account or create a new account
3. Search for Roblox Gift Code and enter the code provided by the seller, then enter
1 STAR REVIEW = ⌠NO SUPPORT & WARRANTY ⌠if there is a problem with the product, you can contact the seller for further checking, not deliberately giving a 1 star review, because all 1 star reviews are fake reviews and have nothing to do with product problems or delivery problems, that's all because the buyer doesn't know where the code is and where to redeem the code which has been explained in the product description, thank you