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PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING: √ Trade > Global 1 Ch 1 in front of SOLOLO SHOP √ Admin always responds quickly, if admin hasn't chatted, please chat first in the CONTACT SELLER menu. It's possible that my item notification was late √ PLEASE CHECK INBOX AFTER MAKING PAYMENT, lots of players don't read inboxes so they miss communication (go to ACCOUNT - INBOX menu) Please cultivate a reading culture, don't just play games, give bad ratings/problem products √ Make sure that when bartering, the trash items are not empty √ Once the spina has been received, please click complete order on my items 🙏 √Please check the testimonials for more confidence 🤝 YOU ARE POOR, WE ARE HELPFUL ❣️Happy Shoppp❣️ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Initials A..A who gave 1 star today (20-10-2023) I swear I don't know why, this morning the order gave a review "TRUSTED PARAH" Continued to repeat the order on the same day and instead gave 1 star. Even though the bonus was more, I was already on standby before he arrived... suddenly gave 1 star on the grounds that the delivery took a long time. Even though I came first before he came. If Alva Arief is also a seller here, I hope you will give us HIDAYAH for your lies about long delivery, hopefully what you did will come back to you. Initial M...D who gave a rating of 4 with a product review that was not suitable, even though he had a bonus subscription, he was not responsible enough to give it because he bought a subscription for 30 million and got a bonus of almost 1 million but instead said the product was not suitable, sometimes he was confused about how to come, we came first, The number of spina d increased but it still gave a bad rate, I'm really sad 🥲

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