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IDR 1.000.000
Google Play Gift Card
Rp988.400/ Gift Card
Minimum Purchase
Transaction Success Rate
1 (50%)
Average Delivery Time
52 minutes

Product Description

Things that must be considered before redeeming a Google Play voucher: 1. Make sure your age on your Gmail account is 17 years or above (recommended 18+). 2. Don't use VPN/devices that are detected abroad. 3. Not currently abroad (Specifically for the Indonesian Region). Country region errors are not our responsibility so they cannot be refunded. 4. It is recommended not to use a new Gmail account. ************************************** To avoid error codes with information (requires more info): 1. Make sure your Gmail account has/frequently redeemed the Google Play code. 2. If you are unsure about your Google account, you can first try buying a Google Play Card 5000 to test that your Google account is healthy. 3. If you buy more than one voucher and the first time you try it has an error/requires other information. DO NOT CONTINUE WITH THE SECOND CODE because you will get an error too. 4. If your code has an error (requires other information), please contact Google Play directly to resolve this problem. Because your Google account is having problems which means the Google Play voucher code is also having problems. BE SMART BUYER THANKYOU.

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