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Welcome To Little Garden Store 📢 BACA SEBELUM MEMBELI Godly/Hex Godly Spec List : - Godly Cursed Child Defense 11 Special 16 - Godly Gryphon Health 4 - Godly Dawn - Godly Dawn Special 4 - Godly Yasuo - Godly Yasuo - Godly Yone Special -5 Attack 27 - Godly Josep Hammon - Godly Ashen Defense 21 Special 11 - Godly Ashen Health 12 - Godly Kars - Godly Locke Health 7 Defense 19 - Godly Made In Heaven Special 4 - Godly Kars Special 16 - Godly Broly Special -4 Defense 24 - Godly The Wolrd High Voltage Defense 19 - Godly Kuro Claws Attack 3 - Godly Soul Survivor Health 7 Attack 26 - Godly Cassie Deffense 24 - Godly Planet Shaper Attack 12 Special -8 Defense -6 - Godly The World Over Heaven Attack 17 Special 6 - Godly Silver Chariot Health 9 - Egotistic Godly Nocturnus Special 12 Attack 32 📌Bisa Pilih Lewat Fitur Chat Itemku, Deskripsi Selalu Di Update Jika Ada Yang Sudah Terjual Syarat Dan Ketentuan : ✅Setelah Membeli Harap Langsung Chat Penjual ✅Penjual Akan Memberikan Kode Private Server Melalui Chat Fitur Chat Itemku ✅Pembeli Langsung Masuk Ke Private Server Yang Di Berikan Penjual Dan Melakukan Trade Disana ✅Pastikan Username Yang Di Cantumkan Sudah Benar Jika Terjadi Kesalahan Bukan Tanggung Jawab Kami ✅Pastikan Inventory Yang Kalian Miliki Mempunyai Slot Untuk Item Yang Di Beli Terima Kasih. JANGAN LUPA DI KONFIRMASI PESANAN DAN BERIKAN RATING 5 Item Roblox Lainya Bisa Check Tokoku Toko Buka 24 Jam Jika Slow Respone Harap Menunggu 📢 READ BEFORE BUYING 📌You can choose via the chat feature on my items, the description is always updated if something has been sold Terms and Conditions : ✅After purchasing, please chat directly with the seller ✅The seller will provide a private server code via the Itemku chat feature ✅Purchases go directly to the private server provided by the seller and trade there ✅Make sure the username you enter is correct. If an error occurs, it is not our responsibility ✅Make sure the inventory you have has a slot for the items you buy Thank You. DON'T FORGET TO CONFIRM YOUR ORDER AND GIVE A 5 RATING
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Hex Godly King Of Curses / Sukuna | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
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Hex Godly Nika / Gear 5 | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
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Hex Godly Ope | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
Hex Godly TWOH (The World Over Heaven) | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
Hex Godly The Hand | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
Hex Godly Reaper | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
Hex Godly Dragon Knight | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
Hex Godly Asgore | Mythic Trait - A Universal Time (AUT)
GODLY SUKUNA ( KING OF CURSE ) - A Universal Time + Bonus
Godly King Of Curse | A Universal Time Bonus 5 Skin Mythic
GODLY GOJO - A Universal Time + Bonus