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Spek akun : Sesuai dengan gambar anda bisa membeli akun walaupun status kita sedang offline karena pengiriman instan (automatis) setelah melakukan pembayaran, anda bisa melihat data akun di kode voucher contoh : octastore/dodo123 octastore (username) dodo123 (password) Setelah berhasil login ke akun yang kamu beli langsung ganti password dan isi gmail saat ganti password jangan sampai typo , dan kalau bisa di catat biar gk lupa tolong konfirmasi pesanan terimakasih ________________________________________________________________ Account specs: As per picture You can buy an account even though our status is offline because delivery is instant (automatic) after making payment, you can see account data in the voucher code example: octastore/dodo123 octastore (username) dodo123 (password) After successfully logging in to the account you purchased, immediately change the password and fill in Gmail When changing your password, don't make typos, and if possible, write it down so you don't forget it please confirm the order Thank You

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