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TIDAK MENERIMA PENGEMBALIAN DANA/REFUND!!! proses pengiriman - pastikan kamu mengisi @username yang benar, jika salah itu bukan tanggung jawab kami - TRANSAKSI VIA GIFT GLOBAL - PASTIKAN USERNAME ANDA BENAR - bisa di gift lebih dari 1 kali di akun yang sama MEMESAN = SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO REFUNDS!!! shipping process - make sure you fill in the correct @username, if it is wrong it is not our responsibility - TRANSACTIONS VIA GIFT GLOBAL- MAKE SURE YOUR USERNAME IS CORRECT - can be gifted more than 1 time on the same account ORDERING = AGREEING WITH THE RULES
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Elemental)
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Permanent)
Blizzard (Permanent)