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Blox Fruits
Rp6.900/ Fruit
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Deskripsi Produk

DESKRIPSI : Mimin akan proses dalam 5 menit Silahkan chat mimin setelah diorder :) Physical Fruit Via Trade Bisa dilakukan Via Add Friend or Private Server πŸ™‚ Stock akan selalu ada selama masih bisa dibeli 😊 Pesanan akan diproses sesuai jam operasional ☺️ Pesanan tidak bisa dibatalkan ya Apabila pembeli belum mencapai level 700, trade akan dilakukan setelah mencapai level 700. in English : DESCRIPTION : I will process in 5 minutes Please chat me after ordering :) Via Trade Can be done Via Add Friend or Private Server πŸ™‚ The stock will always be there as long as it can be bought 😊 Orders will be processed according to operating hours ☺️ Orders cannot be canceled If the buyer has not reached level 700, trading can be done after reaching level 700. Thank You :p

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