Joki 10k Gold Build A Boat For Treasure (BABFT)
Build A Boat For Treasure
Rp12.900/ Joki
Anti Hackback
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Deskripsi Produk
Sistem joki : 10k gold per 1 jam jika beli 2 jadi 20k gold total pengerjaan bertambah 2 jam dan seterusnya. Note : jangan login sebelum kami infokan kalau joki sudah selesai, jika nabrak 2× otomatis joki hangus English : 10k gold per 1 hours if you buy 2 it becomes 20k gold, the total work increases by 2 hours and so on. Note: Do not log in before we inform you that the jockey has finished, if you crash 2x the jockey will automatically be forfeited.
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