Deskripsi Produk
=Bahasa Indonesia [ Mohon untuk membaca Deskripsi Produk terlebih dahulu ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Sistem Trading ) Catatan : 1. Wajib level 300+ untuk memesan produk tersebut. 2. Jika salah dalam mengisi username, bukant tanggung jawab kami. Cara Trading -Penjual akan add friend akun Pembeli. -Lalu, Pembeli accept friend Penjual. -Penjual/Pembeli akan join di server. -Melakukan Trade di server Public/Private, lalu Penjual akan memberikan produk yang anda beli. Cara Trade : -Menu > Trade > Cari username @ucokslebews Jika sudah, jangan lupa di konfirmasi produknya, dan kasih rating bintang 5 ya! ~Terima kasih telah mengorder produk ini =English, Language [Please read the product description first] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Trading System) Notes : 1. Must be level 300+ to order this product. 2. If you fill in your username incorrectly, it is not our responsibility. How to Trade -Sales will add friend Buyer account. -Then, Buyers accept friends Seller. -Sellers/Buyers will join the server. -Trade on a Public/Private server, then the Seller will give you the product you purchased. Trading Method: -Menu > Trading > Search for the username @ucokslebews After that, don't forget to confirm the product and give a 5 star rating! ~Thank you for ordering this product
Ulasan Produk
0 / 5.0