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AUD 25
League of Legends
Rp295.000/ Voucher
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Ready stock Riot Point League of Legends Region Oceania server (Australia, New Zealand) dalam nominal $25 di Lapogames Jenis Produk : - Gift Card (sekali pakai) Cara redeem Riot Point League of Legends  Gift Card: 1. Masuk halaman aplikasi League of Legends 2. Login Akun League of Legends Region Oceania anda 3. Klik gambar icon peti harta karun untuk masuk ke Store 3. Klik Menu 'Purchase RP' 4. Klik 'Prepaid Cards' 5. Masukan Kode (kode harus diketik manual) 6. Selesai *Kode hanya bisa digunakan untuk Akun Region Oceania server (Australia, New Zealand)

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