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Green Hell VR
Rp539.900/ Gift Code
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Type : Digital Code Valid Location : Global Expiration date : 30 Days (Pastikan redeem kode anda sebelum 30 hari sejak pembelian) Cara redeem kode oculus gift : silakan masukkan kode di atau Tap Redeem Gift di Oculus Store Enter the code, then tap Redeem Gift. Follow the story of Jake Higgins, a famous anthropologist, who is thrown deep into the emerald and impenetrable Amazonian rain forest - the green hell. What you discover will be worse than what you fought so hard against to survive. Find yourself stranded in a dangerous jungle, surrounded by predators with only a trusty smartwatch, backpack, and the survival guide, so craft away! VR makes crafting even more realistic as you need to find the right elements and put them together in a specific way to make tools, spears, and shelter - all by hand! Watch your vitals and discover herbs with their medical potential to stay healthy. Hunt wild animals to secure the next meal and defend yourself with a bow and arrow - work on your aim and level up your skill. With mechanics adjusted to virtual reality, Green Hell VR: Quest Edition is a truly immersive and demanding game - Find out how long you can stay alive.

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