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Akun OPBR ONE PIECE Bounty Rush-2
One Piece Bounty Rush
Rp13.800/ Akun
Anti Hackback
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299 (100%)
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Deskripsi Produk

Android only , tidak boleh login ke IOS nanti Diamond semua hilang ga bs balik Pengiriman instal otomatis , setelah bayar ,silahkan masuk ke order cek Informasi dapat ID dan Password Android only, don't log in to IOS or you'll lose all the diamonds and can't get them back Automatic delivery, after payment, please go to order and klik order, check information in the order, get ID and password ---------- Info akun: Account info: Akun starter , Rank 1~2 , daftar udah lama 1~3 tahun lebih dan login setiap hari , hanya clear tutorial , Story belum di sentuh . Fresh semua Starter account, Rank 1~2, registered for more than 1~3 years and logged in every day, only clear tutorial, Story has not been touched. All fresh Login via Transfer ID + PW 1. Cara login :buka game di tengah opsi-Transfer Data--Enter Transfer ID/Password, Tap to start masuk game 1. How to login: open the game in the middle of the options-Transfer Data--Enter Transfer ID/Password, Tap to start entering the game 2. Cara setting Bind Google FB:Masuk Game ,klik kanan atas setting , Link Data ke Email 2. How to set Bind Google FB: Enter the Game, click the top right of the settings, Link Data to Email PS:RainBow Diamond, Ke kanan atas Gift Box cek Aturan game max 5000 , sisa nya di Gift Box, bs Gacha dulu biar RD turun ke bawah 5000, lalu claim Mailbox PS: RainBow Diamond, Check the Gift Box at the top right Game rules max 5000, the rest in the Gift Box, You can Gacha it down to below 5000, then claim it

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