Deskripsi Produk
ROBUX INSTANT VIA LOGIN Format Order Username/email/nohp: Password: Hal-hal penting wajib diperhatikan!! 1. Setelah melakukan pembelian, tolong standy di chat untuk verifikasi seperti appove login atau pilih 3 game yang pernah dimainkan. 2. Jika akun kalian memiliki 2 step verification, akan lebih baik jika menyertakan backup code di Catatan agar mempermudah proses pengiisian. Cara mendapatkan backup codes: 1. Login ke akun Roblox. 2. Buka Settings > Security. 3. Aktifkan salah satu metode keamanan (Authenticator App, Email). 4. Klik Generate Backup Codes.* *jika repeat order jangan mengirimkan backup code yang sama (backupcode hanya sekali pakai). ====================================================================================== Important things must be paid attention to!! 1. After making a purchase, please stand by in the chat for verification such as appove login or select 3 games you have played. 2. If your account has 2 step verification, it would be better if you include a backup code in the notes to make the filling process easier. How to get backup codes: 1. Login to your Roblox account. 2. Go to Settings > Security. 3. Activate one of the security methods (Authenticator App, Email). 4. Click Generate Backup Codes.* *If you repeat order, don't send the same backup code (backup code is only used once).
Ulasan Produk
0 / 5.0
450 RBX Premium
Anti Hackback
450 RBX Premium
Anti Hackback
450 RBX Premium
Anti Hackback
450 RBX Premium
Anti Hackback
450 RBX Premium
Anti Hackback
Premium + 450 RBX
Anti Hackback
Premium 450 RBX
Anti Hackback
Premium 450 RBX
Anti Hackback
450 Prem RBX
Anti Hackback
450 RBX
Anti Hackback