Deskripsi Produk
~! Silahkan Dibaca !~ Setelah membeli, silahkan chat admin melalu diskusi pesanan. After purchasing, please chat with the admin via the order discussion. !! PERHATIAN !! Jika salah mengirim username, maka bukan tanggung jawab penjual, pastikan mengirim username yang ada @, jangan mengirim display name. If you send the wrong username, it is not the seller's responsibility, make sure you send a username that has @, don't send a display name Pengiriman diusahakan secepatnya setelah ada pesanan masuk Via Mailbox jika error via trade Silahkan chat admin Shipping will be attempted as soon as possible after an order is received Via Mailbox, if error via trade Please chat with the admin Selamat Berbelanja~~ Happy Buying~~