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Sols Rng : Aura = Impeach, Cromatic Genesis,Symphony, Arcane Dark,DLL Potion = Lucky potion:1,2k. Speed potion:212 Device = -Hollogram device -Exo Flex -vulcanic device -Gravitational device -tide Gauntlet -galatic device -jacpot Gauntler -Ragnarok(Hampir jadi) Gamepass = -Quick roll -vip -merchant teleporter Fisch Roblox= Level:Max(750) Rod : -Rod of the depth -Sunken Rod -mythical rod -Aurora rod -Reinforced rod -Destiny rod -Kings rod -Magma rod -Nocturnal rod -Trident Rod -heaven rod Dll Cash:Random Akun terkait dengan email jadi kalo mau beli bisa di diskusikan dengan saya.