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Alpha Protocol
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Genre : Action, RPG, Stealth Publisher : SEGA Usia : 18+ Notes: Steam Gift, listed as unknown package 4437 Deskripsi : Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending international catastrophe. To do so means he must cut himself off from the very people he is sworn to protect. As players determine how to accomplish different objectives, the decisions made and actions taken in each mission will ultimately transform the type of secret agent Michael Thorton will become. Every choice the player makes as Michael Thorton will carry consequences for his future and the fate of the world. Sistem Minimum : Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista Processor: 2.4+ GHZ Intel or 2.0+ GHZ AMD Memory: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP,) 2 GB RAM (Windows Vista) Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series (6800GT or better,) ATI 1300XT series or greater (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) Hard Drive: At least 12 GB of free space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers DirectX: 9.0c CATATAN - Pesanan diproses paling lambat dalam 1x24 jam. - Game key dikirim melalui pesan itemku. Untuk pengiriman instan, game key tercantum di riwayat pembelian. - Steam gift dikirim melalui aplikasi Steam. Harap cantumkan Steam ID Anda atau Trade Offer Link Steam di Profil akun itemku. - Untuk hal2 teknis seputar game mohon merujuk pada instruksi yang disediakan oleh penyedia layanan game terkait. Terima kasih dan selamat berbelanja.

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