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Kode Voucher dikirim via pesan setelah pembayaran terkonfirmasi oleh pihak itemku. Cara redeem setelah dapat kode voucher: - Kunjungi - Isi bagian KODE dengan kode voucher yang kami kirimkan via pesan itemku. Contoh: - atau bisa juga login ke akun Tinder di aplikasi atau website kemudian cari menu promo code dan masukkan kode voucher dari kami. Voucher Terms and Conditions: - One-time-use only. The voucher cannot be redeemed multiple times. - Geo-restricted. The code is redeemable within Indonesia location and only if you register tinder for the first time using Indonesian provider number. - Subscription Restricted. The voucher cannot be redeemed if a member has an active subscription. In some cases, the code cannot be redeemed if a member has had an active subscription within the last 30-60 days. - Account Restriction. Once a member attempts to redeem a code, it is tied to their account, regardless of whether it was successfully redeemed, and no other member will be able to redeem it. - Voucher Validity Period. Once you have the Tinder voucher code, you can redeem it immediately or up to 30 days of purchase. Error Codes Upon Redemption: “Ineligible to redeem code.” - You already redeemed the voucher code - You have an active subscription within the restricted time frame - You redeem the voucher code outside of the geo-restricted region “OOPS. Unable to redeem code.” - There is a server error, in which case we recommend the member attempt to redeem the code 24 hours later - Someone attempts to redeem a code that another member has already attempted (but failed) to redeem. “This code has already been redeemed.” - The voucher code has already been redeemed. “The code is no longer valid.” - The voucher code is expired. The redemption cap has already been met. Membeli berarti setuju dengan syarat dan ketentuan di atas. Tidak bisa redeem akibat kesalahan membaca syarat dan ketentuan = no refund.

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