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TV Man Units in Toilet Tower Defense

Toilet Tower Defense on Roblox features various TV Man units, each with unique abilities and characteristics. Here’s a detailed overview of the different types of TV Man units:

 1. Base TV Man

  • Description: TV Man is a Rare unit that deals area-of-effect (AOE) damage. It has a 15% chance of appearing while in rotation in the Main Crate. The TV Man cannot damage Glasses Toilets of any kind.
  • Appearance: TV Man is seen wearing a luxurious black suit with black pants, and his head is replaced by a large, old black television with a static screen.
  • Function: This unit is basic and mainly used for its AOE damage capabilities early in the game.

2. Mewing TV Man

  • Description: Mewing TV Man is a Legendary unit that was obtainable during the April Fools Event. Along with Microwave Man, it is one of the few units capable of stunning toilets.
  • How to Obtain: This unit can be obtained from the Jester Crate (not currently obtainable), Post Office, Marketplace, or by trading.
  • Appearance: Mewing TV Man’s clothes feature a lot of “Man Faces” from the meme.

3. Sinister Titan TV Man

  • Description: Sinister Titan TV Man is a powerful DPS unit, dealing 60,000 DPS with splash, AOE, and single-target capabilities. It is very expensive but highly effective.
  • Attacks: Uses snowballs for splash damage, flashes a blue TV screen for AOE damage, and swings a scythe for single-target damage.
  • How to Obtain: This unit is typically available through specific events or high-tier crates.

General Tips for Using TV Man Units

  1. Strategic Placement: Place TV Man units where their AOE damage can hit the most enemies. Use Sinister Titan TV Man in areas with high enemy density for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Combining Units: Use TV Man units in conjunction with other supportive units like Medic Cameraman to keep them unstunned and active.
  3. Utilize Trading: Engage in trading with other players to acquire rare and powerful TV Man units that are no longer obtainable through regular means
Beli TV Man Toilet Tower Defense Murah
Dapatkan Toilet Tower Defense dengan harga murah hanya di Pilihan tepat untuk top up cepat, aman, dan terpercaya. Dengan ini, Kamu bisa menikmati berbagai keuntungan di Toilet Tower Defense tanpa harus membayar mahal. Prosesnya mudah dan praktis, cukup kunjungi dan pilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Kamu. Kami menawarkan harga terbaik dan pelayanan maksimal untuk memastikan kepuasan Kamu. Tingkatkan transaksi TV Man Kamu sekarang dan Jangan lewatkan promo menarik yang tersedia!

Bagaimana Cara Membeli TV Man Toilet Tower Defense ?
1. Ketik Toilet Tower Defense di kolom pencarian atau temukan dari kategori yang tersedia.
2. Pilih yang ingin kamu beli sesuai kebutuhan.
3. Lanjutkan dengan memilih metode pembayaran yang tersedia.
4. Selesaikan pembayaran dengan langkah mudah dan aman.
Transaksi selesai, item akan langsung diproses untuk Kamu. Nikmati pengalaman belanja cepat dan praktis hanya di!

Berapa Harga TV Man Toilet Tower Defense ?
Harga Toilet Tower Defense:

Large Bunnyman - Toilet Tower Defense
DJ Speakerman - Toilet Tower Defense
Titan TV Man
Evil TV Man
Large Turkey Speakerman - Toilet Tower Defense
Shadow TV Man
Mewing TV Man
Starfall TV Man
Hamburger TV Man
Santa TV Man - Toilet Tower Defense
Sinister Titan Tv Man - Toilet Tower Defense
Astro Large TV Man
Dual Blade Bunnyman - Toilet Tower Defense
Scientist TV Man - Toilet Tower Defense
TV Woman
Astro Large TV Man
Healer Tv Woman - Toilet Tower Defense
Solar Flare TV Man
Chef TV Man - Toilet Tower Defense

Beli Toilet Tower Defense sekarang sebelum kehabisan! Nikmati pengalaman yang lebih lancar dengan yang tersedia dengan harga murah. Dapatkan diskon spesial dan penawaran menarik lainnya hanya di itemku. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk upgrade lebih efisien dan cepat!
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