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Request Mythic Trait (Hexed/Non Hexed) | A Universal Time (AUT)
A Universal Time
Rp125.000/ Traits
Minimum Purchase
Transaction Success Rate
3 (75%)
Average Delivery Time
16 hours

Product Description

List Mythic Trait: - RCT/Automatic RCT - Godly/Egotistic Godly - Ryoiki/Heavenly Restricted Ryoiki - Temporal/FTL Temporal - Spiritual/Mastered Spiritual - Adaptation/Unbound Adaptation Cara Pengerjaan: Pembeli memberikan stand/spec yang ingin diberikan untuk diproses melalui trading kepada Penjual di private server yang sudah disediakan. Proses akan berlangsung secepatnya 1-4 hari sesuai keadaan dan antrian. Setelah selesai mendapatkan trait yang di inginkan Penjual akan menghubungi Pembeli melalui chat itemku untuk melakukan trade kembali. Jika stok dagangan kosong maka admin sedang mengerjakan pesanan. How it works: The Buyer provides the stand/spec that they wish to provide for processing via trading to the Seller on the private server that has been provided. The process will take as fast as 1-4 days depending on conditions and queues. After completing the desired trait, the Seller will contact the Buyer via itemku chat to trade again. If the stock is empty, the admin is working on the order.

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