Product Description
NOTED: IF ADMIN DOES NOT RESPOND FOR A LONG TIME. PLEASE INPUT YOUR WHATSAPP NUMBER IN THE NOTES OR CHAT COLUMN. SO THAT WHEN THE ADMIN IS ONLINE, YOU CAN CONTACT DIRECTLY VIA THE WHATSAPP NUMBER. Via the Auction House Feature 1. Before trading, make sure that you have an Arlor Trader's Permit to sell your items at the auction house and check again if the Listing Fee will be borne by you or the seller 2. Select the nominal amount from the merchandise provided and place an order 3. Enter your character's name in the column provided 4. Make payment for your order 5. Place your item at the Auction House at the appropriate price 6. If the Listing Fee is borne by the seller, place the item at an additional 5% price. Example: you buy 1,000,000 Gold, then install items with a total price of 1,050,000 Gold If the Listing Fee is borne by you, set the price of the goods according to the amount of Gold you order Notify the item you are installing to the seller via the order my items feature and wait until the seller buys the item If it is correct, click the Finish button on the Purchase History page to complete your order Via the Trade Feature 1. Before trading, make sure that you have an Arlor Trader's Permit to trade 2. Select the nominal amount from the merchandise provided and place an order 3. Enter your character's name in the column provided 4. Make payment for your order and wait until the seller processes your order 5. Make an appointment with the seller via the message feature on my items to agree on online hours and trade location 6. Log in to the Arcane Legends game at the agreed time and meet with the seller 7. The seller will trade and give you the Gold you ordered 8. Check again the amount of Gold entered by the seller in the Trade menu. Make sure that the amount of Gold entered is correct. 9. If it is correct, click the Finish button on the Purchase History page to complete your order *Never give out your Arcane Legends account login information ** Buyers and sellers are advised to interact first in the game before sending Gold via the Trade feature. Interaction can take the form of conversation, party formation, and so on. NOTED: IF USING THE TRADE FEATURE, PLEASE PROVIDE A CONTACT YOU CAN CONTACT IN THE "NOTES" COLUMN FOR FAST RESPOND DELIVERY. LATER, THE ADMIN WILL CONTACT YOU WHEN YOU ARE ONLINE.
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