Download itemku App
Coba cari Game
Fighting Style - Sharkman Karate
Blox Fruits
Rp20.000/ Boosting Service
Anti Hackback
Average working time
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Product Description

WELCOME TO THE JOKE SERVICES RPGAME You must read the description to the bottom RPGAME has been verified by ITEMKU to sell jockey services, so your account is guaranteed to be safe What did you get? - 1x Order = Sharkmen Karate Terms and Conditions - Levels 1500+ - Must be at sea 3 - To speed up the process, if your account has 2nd verification, please provide a backup code, so the admin doesn't need to wait for you to go online if you want to process - Process varies from 30 minutes to 24 hours depending on order - When the process is carried out, the buyer is obliged not to open the bloxfruit until the jockey is finished - When the order is complete, the buyer must change the password. - Confirm order and 5 stars to get bonus on next order

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