Product Description
to : • Rp200 per 1000 Gold • When purchasing, clearly include 'your character's name' along with 'Class' to facilitate verification, and the order will be sent immediately only via in-game mailbox, example: yourcharactername(blackmara) • Fast delivery if online ✓100% Legal and Sportive Gamer, gold comes from selling items through the trading house only and not from directly farming gold, no botting, and no hacking ✓100% Verification Safety and Warranty during processing, ensure your character's name is correct, if you input the name incorrectly and after verification your character's name is not in the game, then your order will be canceled and your money refunded ✓100% Can be Trusted and Zero Worries, Orders will only be sent via in-game mailbox and direct trading is not accepted ✓100% Trusted Platform Personal Shop, Not a broker and only sells gold through itemku only • store operating hours: - 07.00 - 17.00 - 18.00 - 22.00
Product Reviews
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