Private Server Aurora Totem 24 Hours
Rp5.900/ Fish
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210 (99%)
Average Delivery Time
2 minutes
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Product Description

(DESKRIPSI BASAHA INDONESIA SCROLL KE BAWAH) ❗(MUST READ BEFORE BUYING)❗ ❗BUY 1 = 24 HOURS (VALID IN MULTIPLES)❗ ✨IF THE ADMIN HAS NOT RESPONDED AFTER PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCT, IT IS BECAUSE THE NOTIFICATION OF MY ITEM ORDER IS DELAYED -+4 MINUTES.✨ 📌SERVICE DESCRIPTION📌 1. Wait for the admin to send the order. 2. Please accept/complete the order first, then we can process it. 3. After that we add to enter the server, because we do not use links. 4. Duration is calculated from order confirmation. 5. Time continues to run, whether you are actively playing or not, please use your time wisely. 6. This service is only for 1 ACCOUNT. It is not allowed to invite friends or use other accounts. ❗IF YOU WANT TO BRING A FRIEND❗ - You can buy 2, with the following conditions: - Your account gets 1 day - Your friend's account also gets 1 day *IN AND OUT OF SERVER IS ALLOWED. *SERVER IS RESET EVERY TIME AT 9 AM AND 9 PM, TO CLEAR LAG. ~~~~ 💎 USES & BENEFITS 💎 - Speeds up the XP and MONEY farming process. - AURORA TOTEM: Activates the AURORA BOREALIS EVENT, giving a 6X luck boost to the entire server. ~~~~ 📌 TERMS & CONDITIONS 📌 By purchasing this service, you have read and understood the rules. Please read the description carefully to avoid misunderstandings. ~~~~ 💬 If there is anything you don't understand, please contact the admin first! 🙏 By purchasing, you understand the rules. Thank you! #### INDONESIA #### ❗( WAJIB DIBACA SEBELUM MEMBELI )❗ ❗BELI 1 = 24 JAM (BERLAKU KELIPATAN)❗ ✨JIKA ADMIN BELUM RESPON SETELAH PEMBELIAN PRODUK, ITU KARENA NOTIFIKASI PESANAN ITEMKU DELAY -+4 MENIT.✨ 📌DESKRIPSI LAYANAN📌 1. Tunggu admin mengirim pesanan. 2. Silahkan terima/selesaikan pesanan dulu kak, baru bisa kita proses. 3. Setelah itu kita add untuk masuk ke server, karena kita tidak menggunakan link. 4. Durasi di hitung sejak konfirmasi pesanan. 5. Waktu terus berjalan, baik Anda aktif bermain maupun tidak, harap manfaatkan waktu dengan bijak. 6. Layanan ini hanya untuk 1 AKUN. Tidak diperbolehkan mengajak teman atau menggunakan akun lain. ❗JIKA INGIN MEMBAWA TEMAN❗ - Anda bisa membeli 2,dengan ketentuan: - Akun Anda mendapat 1 hari - Akun teman Anda juga mendapat 1 hari *KELUAR-MASUK SERVER DIPERBOLEHKAN. *SERVER DI RESET TIAP JAM 9 PAGI, DAN 9 MALAM, AGAR TIDAK LAG. ~~~~ 💎 KEGUNAAN & KEUNTUNGAN 💎 - Mempercepat proses farming XP dan MONEY. - TOTEM AURORA: Mengaktifkan EVENT AURORA BOREALIS, memberikan peningkatan keberuntungan 6X untuk seluruh server. ~~~~ 📌 SYARAT & KETENTUAN 📌 Membeli layanan ini berarti Anda sudah membaca dan memahami aturan. Harap baca deskripsi secara saksama agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman. ~~~~ 💬 Jika ada yang tidak dimengerti, silakan hubungi admin terlebih dahulu! 🙏 Membeli berarti Anda sudah memahami aturan. Terima kasih!

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