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Coba cari Game
COMMON Skins Free to Choose (725 WC)
League of Legends: Wild Rift
Rp60.000/ Gift Skin
Minimum Purchase
Transaction Success Rate
1 (100%)
Average Delivery Time
2 minutes

Product Description

Procedures for Gift By KaniaStore 1. After purchasing, we will give you a nickname to add 2. Add the account to the account we provided 3. After that, wait 14 days and don't delete the friend 4. We will give you a gift after 14 days of friendship according to the common skin you choose 5. If there is a gift limit, your order will be gifted the next day If you are already friends, you can give it a gift right away! Account Nick: 1. Yosaka#2747 2. Yosiki#1660 Don't be afraid, we send skins using legal Wild Core and are guaranteed to be safe because we always maintain buyers' trust

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