Product Description
Come on, support OSU! just enter the username osu! you and then whoosh. Processed in 1-3 minutes (if during service hours) Service Hours: 05.00~21.00 WIB (Every Day) By buying a Supporter Tag and get the benefits: 1. Osu!direct 2. Friend Ratings 3. Country Ranking 4. Filter By Mod 5. Beatmap filter 6. Auto Download 7. Upload more Beatmaps 8. Pre-Release Access 9. More favorites 10. More Friends 11. Friends Leaderboard 12. Brilliant yellow charm 13. Download faster 14. Username change 15. more skinning elements Duration = 6 Months/180 days Quality = Legal Possibility (1%) is a bit slow in arriving for the tag supporter NN (Dollar Manager) Gesaneko Member