Deskripsi Produk
Cara Joki : 1. Pembeli harus mengisi user dan password anda. 2. Ketika ada 2 step verifikasi mohon chat di diskusi pesanan. 3. Di saat akun sedang di joki, pembeli diharapkan konfirmasi jika ingin login ke akun saat sedang dijoki (jika ingin login akun tolong hubungi admin terlebih dahulu ^-^). 4. Joki Sampai Afk Event sampai selesai dikerjakan 5. Ketika Selesai Joki akan di Infokan dan Pembeli Harap Konfirmasi Pesanan. 6. Membeli berarti setuju dengan aturan yang dibuat (jika melanggar kami anggap selesai). Terimakasih telah membaci Sebelum membeli ^-^ ======================= ENGLISH VERSION! ======================= Pay = Agree! Jockey Method: 1. The buyer must fill in your user and password. 2. When there are 2 steps of verification, please chat in the order discussion. 3. When the account is being jockeyed, the buyer is expected to confirm if he wants to log in to the account while he is jockeying (if you want to log in to the account, please contact the admin first ^-^). 4. Jockey Until afk event cleared 5. When Finished, the Jockey will be informed and the Buyer Please Confirm the Order. 6. Buying means agreeing to the rules made (if you violate it, we consider it done). Thank you for taking a shower Before buying ^-
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