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You're Being Recorded (Crook Boss Mission)
Tower Defense Simulator - Roblox
Rp60.000/ Joki
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(Indonesian) Kategori pengerjaan : Via Carry only Syarat Mission ini : Lvl 35+, Punya Farm, Crook Boss (Wajib), DJ, dan Ranger Yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan Misi ini : 1. Deal 150,000 damage with the Crook Boss. 2. Triumph any map five times with the Crook Boss. 3. Triumph Space City in Fallen mode with the Crook Boss 3 Times. (English) Service category: Via Carry only Mission requirements: Lvl 35+, have Farm, Crook Boss (must), DJ, and Ranger Steps to finish this mission: 1. Deal 150,000 damage with the Crook Boss. 2. Triumph any map five times with the Crook Boss. 3. Triumph Space City in Fallen mode with the Crook Boss 3 Times.

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