Product Description
DIMOHON UNTUK MEMBACA DESKRIPSI SEBELUM MEMBELI!!! PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE PURCHASING!!! Setelah melakukan pembayaran, Dimohon untuk langsung menghubungi Admin, Karena informasi atau data terkait produk akan dikirimkan melalui chat. Syarat sebelum membeli produk: 1. Memastikan akun sudah berada di SEA 2 dan sudah harus Level 700+. 2. Menyiapkan buah tumbal minimal 60% dari nilai buah yang akan dibeli. Mohon untuk dipahami: 1. Produk akan diberikan via TRADE saja. 2. Private Server Milik ContrenG Store 100% Aman (Bukan Link Phising) 3. Bersedia menunggu Jika akun admin berada dalam Batas Limit Trading. 4. Jika ingin membeli lebih dari 1 buah dan ingin trade sekaligus, Mohon konfirmasikan dulu kepada admin (Karena stock biasanya terbagi atas beberapa akun). Cara Memperbaiki Tidak Bisa Join Private Server (You Do Not Have Permission): Langkah 1: Klik icon Pengaturan dan pilih menu Settings. Langkah 2: Klik tab Privacy. Pada kolom Who Can Make Me a Member of Their Private Server? Opsinya kamu ganti jadi Everyone. Jam Aktif Admin 07.00 - 22.00 WIB (Termasuk Kesibukannya, Mohon Pengertiannya). Sudah Pasti Aman, Cepat, Murah dan Terpercaya. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya, Silahkan untuk diorder ya. ~English Translation~ After completing the payment, please contact the admin immediately as product-related information or data will be sent via chat. Conditions Before Purchasing the Product: 1. Ensure your account is at SEA 2 and is at least Level 700+. 2. Prepare sacrificial fruit worth at least 60% of the value of the fruit you intend to buy. Please Note: 1. Products will only be delivered via TRADE. 2. ContrenG Store's Private Server is 100% Secure (Not a Phishing Link). 3. Be prepared to wait if the admin's account is at the Trading Limit. 4. If you wish to buy more than 1 fruit and trade them all at once, please confirm with the admin first (as stock is usually spread across several accounts). How to Fix "Unable to Join Private Server" (You Do Not Have Permission): Step 1: Click the Settings icon and select the Settings menu. Step 2: Click on the Privacy tab. In the "Who Can Make Me a Member of Their Private Server?" option, change it to "Everyone." Admin Active Hours: 07:00 - 22:00 WIB (Considering their availability, please understand). Guaranteed to be safe, fast, affordable, and reliable. Thank you for your attention, please order.