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Time Stall
Rp179.900/ Gift Code
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Type: Digital Code Valid Location : Global Expiration date: 30 Days (Make sure to redeem your code before 30 days from purchase) How to redeem the Oculus gift code: please enter the code at or Tap Redeem Gift at the Oculus Store Enter the code, then tap Redeem Gift. Welcome aboard the Fantastic Leap, Earth's only crowdfunded, luxury escape craft! As the only human serving alongside a robotic crew, your job is to keep the ship safe using TIME STALL, the ship's time-bending safety protocol. When disaster strikes, Time Stall temporarily freezes time aboard the ship, allowing you to manipulate objects, divert projectiles and combine various objects…whatever it takes to save the ship and her Captain from destruction! Manipulate objects in stalled time to save the crew. Experiment with physics, allowing you to find creative solutions to the catastrophes happening onboard the ship. Set up crazy situations just to see what happens when time goes back to normal.

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