Product Description
Mewtwo (Armored)=> is Pokemon dex #150 (Pokemon Legendary) Opendex => The Pokemon that you already have/are registered in your Pokedex are in the form of Pokemon images and descriptions Non-Opendex => Pokemon that you don't have / haven't registered in your Pokedex will be in the form of a black shadow image (meaning you have seen it in a raid / gym) or in the form of a Pokedex number meaning Opendex Trade Terms 1. Must have 100 Stardust 2. Opendex is mandatory in the Pokedex of course Non-Opendex Trade Terms 1. Must have 20,000 Stardust 2. Still Banyangan or don't have the pokemo yet NB=> Non Opendex Tips (Pokemon Legendary/ Pokemon Shiny) be willing to be friends up to Ultra Friend for cheap stardust (80,000 stardust) if you are willing to buy the cheapest opendex pokemon or you like it at the Wantau Store, then chat with the seller to apply for a 30 day friendship (ultra friend ). How to trade Opendex or non-Opendex, you can check the link below:
Mewtwo (Legendary)
Mewtwo (Legendary)
Mewtwo Shiny (Legendary)
Mewtwo (Legendary) lv35
Mewtwo Shiny (Legendary) Purified
Mewtwo (Legendary) Psystrike