Deskripsi Produk
PERHATIAN!! jika order diluar jam operasional akan di proses pada jam operasional atau hari berikutnya. - Pengiriman via gift di dalam game. - Pastikan username sudah benar. - bertemu dalam game dan pesanan segera dikirimkan. - mohon untuk komunikatif. Harga bisa berubah sewaktu waktu! NEMU YG LEBIH MURAH? SILAHKAN BELI DISANA. ======================================================================================== ATTENTION!! If the order is outside the operational hours, it will be processed during the operational hours or the next day. - Delivery via in-game gift. - Make sure the username is correct. - meet in-game and the order will be sent immediately. - please be communicative. Prices are subject to change at any time! FIND A CHEAPER ONE? PLEASE BUY IT THERE.