Deskripsi Produk
Server Boost 100% LEGAL & BERGARANSI PROSES CEPAT JAM 14.00-21.00 (WEEKEND 24 JAM) PROSES KURANG DARI 2 JAM LEBIH DARI 2 JAM AKAN DIBERIKAN BONUS [+2 BOOST] CERMATI! + Don't kick the server boosters + DISABLE all ANTI RAID BOTS and give working invite link before i boost I will not re-boosts Perks: - Everything in Level 1 AND Level 2 AND….. - +100 Emoji Slots (for a total of 250 emojis) - 384Kbps Audio Quality - 100MB Upload Limit for all members (server only) - Custom Invite Link - +30 custom sticker slots (for a total of 60) - Audience capacity for Stage Channels with Video/Go Live: 300 - 60 Soundboard slots - Animated Server banner
Ulasan Produk
0 / 5.0