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============================================================== Note PENTING!! : - Pastikan id kamu bisa trade atau sudah terinstall steam mobile selama 15x24 jam dari pengaktifan steam guard atau 16 hari dari pengaktifan steam guard. - Wajib cantumkan link trade offer pada informasi transaksi, caranya buka link >> copy link Trade URL pada bagian Third-Party Site - Inventory harus di set public terlebih dahulu, caranya buka link >> pilih Public pada bagian Inventory - Selagi iklan masih muncul, berarti item masih tersedia. - Jika Anda mengirim pesan ke saya dan saya tidak membalas, dimohon untuk bersabar karena kesibukan saya Terima Kasih. ===============================================================
Armor of the Demon Trickster (Immortal Monkey King)
Infused Armor of the Fearful Aria (Phantom Assassin)
Lebih murah dari
Armor of Twisted Maelstrom (Enigma)
Armor of Twisted Maelstrom (Enigma)
Armor of the Demon Trickster (Immortal Monkey King)
Armor of the Sanguine Moon (Lycan Set)
Armor of the Daemonfell Flame (Legion Commander)
Armor of the Foulfell Corruptor (Terrorblade)
Armor of the Arctic Hall (Legion Commander)
Armor of the Demon Trickster (Immortal Monkey King)
Armor of the Loyal Fold (Templar Assassin)
Armor of Grim Reformation (Undying)
Armor of Vile Reliquary (Wraith King)
Armor of the Stalwart Soul (Omniknight Set)
Armor of Eternal Night (Silencer)
Armor of the Sanguine Moon (Lycan Set)
Armor of the Foulfell Corruptor (Terrorblade)
Armor of the Loyal Fold (Templar Assassin)
Armor of Eternal Reign (Wraith King Set)
Armor of the Abyssal Scourge (Mythical Armor Underlord)
Armor of Grim Reformation (Undying)
Armor of the Fearful Aria