Deskripsi Produk
WAJIB UNTUK MENARO LINK Trade Offer Pada Saat Pembelian Itemku Untuk Transaksi Cepat*1. Caranya = Inventory -> trade offer -> who can send me trade offer -> scroll ke bawah, copy trade url2. Pastikan inventory setting kamu sudah di public, bukan private, agar bisa menerima trade offer3. Cara setting inventory ke public: Inventory -> more -> Inventory Privacy Setting -> Inventory diset public -> Save
Inscribed The Lightning Orchid (Immortal Storm Spirit)
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Inscribed Demon Eater (Arcana Shadow Fiend)
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Inscribed Jewel of Aeons (Immortal Faceless Void)
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Inscribed Iron Surge (Immortal Spirit Breaker)
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Inscribed Muh Keen Gun (Immortal Sniper)
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Inscribed Manifold Paradox (Arcana Phantom Assassin)
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Inscribed The Barren Crown (Immortal Sand King)
Inscribed Shock of the Anvil (Immortal Magnus)
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Inscribed Moonfall (Immortal Luna)
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Inscribed Yulsaria's Glacier (Immortal Crystal Maiden)
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Inscribed Focal Resonance (Immortal Templar Assassin)
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Inscribed Piston Impaler (Immortal Bristleback)
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Inscribed Atomic Ray Thrusters (Immortal Gyrocopter)
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Inscribed Sufferwood Sapling (Immortal Nature's Prophet)
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Inscribed Tormented Staff (Immortal Leshrac)
Inscribed Magus Apex (Immortal Invoker)
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Inscribed Sylvan Cascade (Immortal Windranger)
Inscribed Searing Dominator (Immortal Huskar)
Inscribed Fin King's Charm (Lion)
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Inscribed Vigil Signet (Immortal Sven)
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Inscribed Rollermawster (Immortal Tinker)
Inscribed Mantle of the Cinder Baron (Immortal Axe)
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