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Eigion Warden cos/creatures of sonaria/creature of sonaria
Rp100.000/ Item
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Transaksi Sukses
1 (100%)
Rata-Rata Kirim
13 jam
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Deskripsi Produk

https://itemku.com/tanya-jawab/artikel/cara-trading-roblox/115002539871 ruler of the depths and harbringer of darkness, this monster strikes fear into the hearts of even the strongest creatures. When you hear it's deep bellows, it's already too late.The Eigion Warden is a Tier 5 aquatic carnivore. The species is not currently available, but was available in the Summer Paradise Event 2023 by either completing its mission 15 times, or by purchasing it from the Paradise Store for Shell 20,000 Shells. It is an Event Warden.

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21 Desember 2023

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