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Welcome to FTVSTORE Thank you for your trust in purchasing an account in our store -Buyers must chat admin after completing the payment -Buyers are required to complete the order after the account is secure Thank you again for your patience if the admin does not respond to the chat during worship 🙂 hours OPERATING HOURS : MONDAY-FRIDAY : 10.00-22.00 WIB Saturday-Sunday : 08.00-22.00 WIB Selamat Datang Di FTVSTORE Terimakasih atas kepercayaannya karena telah membeli akun di toko kami -Pembeli wajib chat admin setelah menyelesaikan pembayaran -Pembeli wajib Menyelesaikan pesanan setelah akun sudah selesai dan di aman Sekali Lagi Terima Kasih Atas Dan Mohon Bersabar Jika Admin tidak merespon chat di jam ibadah 🙂 JAM OPERASIONAL : SENIN-JUMAT : 10.00-22.00 WIB Sabtu-Minggu : 08.00-22.00 WIB