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Dough (Permanent)
Blox Fruits
Rp239.900/ Fruit
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❗❗MOHON DIBACA SEBELUM MEMBELI❗❗ ✅STOCK SELALU READY SELAMA BISA DIPESAN✅ ======================================== ⛔DISCLAIMER⛔ - Harap chat setelah membeli - Penjual dan pembeli harus di satu server yang sama (Sea 1) - Pastikan internet dalam kondisi prima agar terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan ======================================== 💲Cara Membeli Dough Fruit (Permanent) di LightStore💲 1. Setelah order, silakan chat penjual 2. Penjual add pembeli kemudian join di server yang sama (Sea 1) 3. Penjual akan mengirimkan ke pembeli via gift 4. Gamepass pun diterima oleh pembeli 5. Setelah membeli, mohon konfirmasi pemesanan dan berikan rating bintang 5 serta ulasan nya ======================================== 🕛Jam Operasional : 12.00 - 21.00 (WIB/GMT+7)🕘 🤗Selamat Berbelanja🤗 ======================================== 🌐ENGLISH VERSION🌐 ❗❗PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING❗❗ ✅STOCK IS ALWAYS READY AS LONG AS IT CAN BE ORDERED✅ ======================================== ⛔DISCLAIMER⛔ - Please chat after purchase - Seller and buyer must be on the same server (Sea 1) - Make sure the internet is in prime condition to avoid unwanted things ======================================== 💲How to Buy Dough Fruit (Permanent) at LightStore💲 1. After ordering, please chat with the seller 2. Seller add buyer then join on the same server (Sea 1) 3. Seller will send to buyer via gift 4. Gamepass is received by the buyer 5. After buying, please confirm the order and give a 5-star rating and review ======================================== 🕛Operating Hours: 12.00 - 21.00 (WIB/GMT+7)🕘 🤗Happy Shopping🤗

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