How to Trade DOTA 2 Items
- Choose from the available items and place an order.
- Enter your Trade Offer Link URL in the Purchase Notes column.
- Obtain your Trade Offer Link URL for your account as shown in the image above.
- Complete the payment for your order and wait for the seller to send your order.
- Once the seller has sent it, check your Steam account and go to the Trade Offer section.
- Ensure that the Trade Offer you received matches your order.
- If everything is correct, complete your order on the itemku purchase page
Note: For Item Gift and Battle Pass Gift trades, the seller and buyer must be friends on Steam for a minimum of 30 days before the order can be delivered.
Deskripsi Produk
============================================================== Note PENTING!! : - Pastikan id kamu bisa trade atau sudah terinstall steam mobile selama 15x24 jam dari pengaktifan steam guard atau 16 hari dari pengaktifan steam guard. - Wajib cantumkan link trade offer pada informasi transaksi, caranya buka link >> copy link Trade URL pada bagian Third-Party Site - Inventory harus di set public terlebih dahulu, caranya buka link >> pilih Public pada bagian Inventory - Selagi iklan masih muncul, berarti item masih tersedia. - Jika Anda mengirim pesan ke saya dan saya tidak membalas, dimohon untuk bersabar karena kesibukan saya Terima Kasih. ===============================================================
Ulasan Produk
0 / 5.0