Deskripsi Produk
ARTILERRY WITH VDJ +12 BOTH CORRUPT HERO WEAPON 18 LEGEND JADE MANY BROOCH RING PET LEGEND 7 CONVE +10 GOOD TALISMAN AND HERALDY 2 Rune Selection box Stage 10 FULL SET ARMOR SAINT RELIGION SET All armor +15 Weap sec +10 All accessories +12 - ancient origin - conversion +10 selection box ada 5 - Pet Legend - +5 guardian honed talisman - ancient element 11% - barnact gerraint herald - fierce stage 10 - hero stiriking - stage 7 selection midplate - 6 legend jade selection pouch - 45 adj fragments - 1 lunar Eclipse - many lunar eclipse - many wings Beberapa belom tercantum silahkan di order langsung ganti gmail ke gmail mu