How to Trade Fisch RBL
- Choose from product provided and place an order
- Enter your RBL Nickname in the column provided
- Make payment for your order and wait until the seller processes your order
- Make an appointment with the seller to meet in the game via the message feature in itemku to agree on online hours and trading locations
- Log in to the Fisch RBL game at the agreed time and meet with the seller
- The seller will give you the items you ordered via the Gift/Trade feature
- Check again whether the items provided by the seller match the order
- If it is correct, click the Completed Order button on the Purchase History page to complete your order
Deskripsi Produk
Stock Ready Ya! :) Syarat: Minimal level 15 InGame untuk melakukan transaksi. Admin akan berikan bonus serta Item yang diberikan sesuai kesopanan pelanggan :3 Requirement : Minimum level 15 in game to make transaction The seller will share a private server link. If the account cannot access the link, the seller will provide their username. Please place your order! Seller akan membagikan link private server, jika akun tidak bisa masuk melalui link, seller akan memberi username seller. silahkan di order ! Happy Fishing!
golden sea pearl (gsp)
Golden Sea Pearl
Golden Sea Pearl
Golden Sea Pearl | Fisch
Golden Sea Pearl
Golden sea pearl
Golden sea pearl
Golden Sea Pearl - Fisch
golden sea pearl