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Scylla (Fisch)
Rp5.000/ Fish
Minimal Beli
Transaksi Sukses
4 (100%)
Rata-Rata Kirim
10 menit

How to Trade Fisch RBL

  1. Choose from product provided and place an order
  2. Enter your RBL Nickname in the column provided
  3. Make payment for your order and wait until the seller processes your order
  4. Make an appointment with the seller to meet in the game via the message feature in itemku to agree on online hours and trading locations
  5. Log in to the Fisch RBL game at the agreed time and meet with the seller
  6. The seller will give you the items you ordered via the Gift/Trade feature
  7. Check again whether the items provided by the seller match the order
  8. If it is correct, click the Completed Order button on the Purchase History page to complete your order

Deskripsi Produk

Description Item 1x Scylla, Mutasi & Ukuran Random (Size & Mutation Random) - Must be level 15 / Harus level 15 dulu Then, join private server link n wait / Lalu, join ke private server kami setalah itu tunggu gilirannya Operational Time / Jam operasional 08:15 - 23:00 WIB

Ulasan Produk

0 / 5.0

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Produk dari penjual-penjual yang memberi Garansi Pengiriman 10 menit

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