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Bahasa: Jam Toko Buka Senin-Kamis = 13.00-20.00 Jum'at-Minggu = 09.00-00.00 Cara pemesanan: 1. Tulis username Roblox anda 2. Mohon chat Mimin setelah anda melakukan pemeasanan 3. Tunggu respon/langsung masuk ke private server yang Mimin berikan 4. Jika Mimin tidak merespon chat kurang lebih dari 1 hari anda diperbolehkan untuk meRefund. 5. Melakukan Trade dengan Mimin 6. Proses Selesai 😃 English: Store Opening Hours Monday - Thursday: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM Friday - Sunday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM How to Order: 1. Write your Roblox username. 2. Please message the Admin after placing your order. 3. Wait for a response or directly join the private server provided by the Admin. 4. If the Admin does not respond within approximately 1 day, you are allowed to request a refund. 5. Trade with the Admin. 6. Process complete! 😃

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