product-21 Diamonds

21 Diamonds



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/ Top Up


Top Up Diamond Mobile Legends Via ID (SERVER) Pesanan dikirim normalnya dalam waktu 3-10 menit bila tidak ada event game/kendala lainnya (Sesuai garansi pengiriman) Garansi Produk 10 menit kirim dan pengembalian dana apabila pembeli belum menerima pesanan Contoh Format Order : ID & Server - 12345678 (1234), am08shop Catatan: 1. Proses Normalnya 3-10 Menit/Pesanan 2. Dikirim sesuai data yang pembeli cantumkan pada detail pesanan. Terimakasih, Happpy Shopping And Gaming.. Produk lainnya->

How to Trade Top Up Diamond Mobile Legends

  1. Make sure you already set your itemku account region as same as your Mobile Legend account region. Different Mobile Legend ID can not be processed on different itemku region (Top up not allowed for cross region)
  2. Choose the Product and do the Purchase.
  3. Pay attention to the product category Event Top Up Diamond** or Diamond***
  4. Input needed information for Top Up (User ID and Zone ID).  
  5. To avoid mistake on input User ID, make sure you only input User ID Mobile Legends only with numbers, if you input other character beside numbers, then your User ID will not detected by system.
  6. Make payment for your order.
  7. Wait until the seller processes your order.
  8. If it has been sent, check your Diamond on your Mobile Legends Account.
  9. If the Top Up amount is already correct, click Done to complete your order, and leave rating for the seller.


* Never give your Mobile Legends password

** Event Top Up Diamond is a Mobile Legends Diamond that will be sent according to the needs of the Top Up Event Quest by the seller and the number of Diamonds sent according to the number of Diamonds in the trade title. Example: you buy Event 100 Diamonds, you will get a total of 100 base Diamonds and will get prizes in the game.

*** Diamond is a Diamond Mobile Legends that can sent many times by the seller in stages with different Diamond combinations. If you order retail Diamonds, make sure again that the total Diamond you receive is in accordance with the amount you ordered or more. Example: you buy 44 Diamonds, the seller will send you 44 Diamonds in stages, such as 17 Diamonds + 2 Bonus on the first delivery, 17 Diamonds + 2 Bonus on the second delivery, and 6 Diamonds on the third delivery so that the Diamonds you will receive are still 44 Diamonds . If there is a Mobile Legends Top Up event in the game, the Diamond that is counted towards your Top Up milestone is 17+17+6=40 Diamonds (the Diamond bonus will not be counted).

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