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Blazing Force (Epic Skin Aldous)
Mobile Legends
Rp139.400/ Skin
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VERSI INDONESIA PERATURAN GIFT MOBILE LEGENDS : - Akun Pembeli minimal Level 20 (Sesuai Ketentuan Mobile Legends) - Sudah berteman di dalam Game selama 8 Hari (Sesuai Ketentuan Mobile Legends) PROSES PENGIRIMAN GIFT : 1. Wajib memasukan Nickname dan Nomer ID didalam keterangan Pemesanan (Pastikan Nick Sesuai dengan Game perhatikan huruf besar & huruf kecil) 2. Pengiriman dilakukan setelah 8 Hari pertemanan.(Sesuai dengan antrian yang berlaku) 3. Jika sudah melakukan pertemanan pada pesanan sebelumnya, harap menunggu pesanan sesuai dengan tanggal yang diperkirakan penjual 4. Karena adanya aturan pertemanan 8 hari, khusus pada kategori Gift Mobile Legends penjual dibolehkan untuk mengubah status pesanan menjadi Terkirim sebelum pesanan dikirimkan. MENGORDER DIANGGAP SUDAH MENGERTI DAN SETUJU ATAS PERSYARATAN DIA ATAS ============== Terimakasih banyak Salam Hangat Pasar Berlian ENGLISH VERSION GIFT MOBILE LEGENDS RULES: - Buyer account at least Level 20 (According to Mobile Legends Terms) - Already friends in the game for 8 days (according to the provisions of Mobile Legends) GIFT SHIPPING PROCESS: 1. Must enter the Nickname and ID Number in the order description (Make sure the Nick is in accordance with the Game pay attention to uppercase & lowercase letters) 2. Delivery is made after 8 days of friendship. (According to the queue that applies) 3. If you have made friends on a previous order, please wait for the order according to the seller's estimated date 4. Due to the 8-day friendship rule, specifically for the Gift Mobile Legends category, sellers are allowed to change the order status to Sent before the order is sent. ORDERING IS DEEMED TO HAVE UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO HER TERMS ================ Thanks very much Kind regards Pasar Berlian

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